Separate dorms illegal?

The Catholic University of America (CUA) has a new president, John Garvey. He has decided that housing students in coed dorms invites a hook up culture that is "destructive of love and marriage". So he has announced that the university will return to separate dorms for young men and women.

Is that really such an unreasonable decision? It's supposed to be a Catholic University. Why would an institution based on Christian morality throw young men and women together in mixed dorms? Anyone who has ever been eighteen would have some idea of the likely consequences.

But Mr Garvey's reform has hit a problem. A law professor from George Washington University, John Banzhaf, is suing the Catholic University on the basis that separate dorms would violate the sex discrimination provisions of the District of Columbia's Human Rights Act. According to Professor Banzhaf:

The statute does not require that a certain population be disadvantaged for an action to be illegal; the simple act of segregating the genders is enough, Banzhaf said.

Here again we have "anti-discrimination" laws being used intrusively in an attempt to prevent an institution from fulfilling its proper purpose.

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