Relationships expert does her best to confuse men

Sam Brett is an Australian relationships expert. She wrote a column last year which began clearly enough by lamenting the demise of masculine men:

"I just want a manly man!" is a common cry I've recently been hearing from frustrated women who are wondering what the hell happened to the hairy-chested, sports-playing, beer-sculling blokes of the world.

"Why are they suddenly all so girly and sensitive?" the women wonder in confusion. "It's like dating your female BFF!"

Despite the fact that, as women, we're more powerful, financially independent and fiscally stronger than ever before, there's still that nagging business of wanting to be with a man who is going to take care of us, support us, be the rock in our world and masculine enough to make us feel like a girl in his presence. (In fact, even the most alpha female women I speak to want just that: like mush in his big muscular arms.)

So, why is finding a manly man to cuddle and cook for such an arduous task? Why are all the men on Planet Dating such wusses? What the heck has happened to the blokey blokes?
But this is how she ends things:

Yes, I want an alpha male to look after me, protect me, provide for me, be strong when times are tough and be the man around the house. But I also want a man who isn't afraid to cook, watch Eat, Pray, Love, talk about his feelings and not be afraid to be a Mister Mom in the future.

Good grief! I'm not sure if Sam realises just how confusing that must appear to a young man. How can one man possibly be both things?

As for me, I couldn't possibly be Sam's boyfriend as I am afraid to watch Eat, Pray, Love. I'm afraid to watch most Julia Robert's movies (see, I can talk about my feelings).

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