Tina Charles – Dance Little Lady Dance / You Set My Heart On Fire (promo)
A Dance Little Lady Dance (Long Version)6:06
B You Set My Heart On Fire (Combined Vocal & Instrumental Versions) 7:08
Format:Vinyl, 12", Promo, 45 RPM
Head-Less - Imperfect: [Mensch] "2011"
La gente de "Dance Macabre" edita un disco que deberia de apuntar alto, lleno de grandes ritmos a caballo entre diferentes estilos, Synth, EBM y sobre todo muchas dosis de Futurepop, ese estilo que parece estar de capa caida pero que muchos siguen apoyando y sobre todo demostrando que todavia se puede hacer mucho dentro de el. No deberia de pasar desapercibido.
01. Contrapunkt
02. Punish Your Head
03. Burning
04. We Stand in Hope
05. Dialogue
06. Als Ich Fortging
07. Forgiving
08. You
09. Down Memory Lane
10. The Deep Insight
03. Burning
04. We Stand in Hope
05. Dialogue
06. Als Ich Fortging
07. Forgiving
08. You
09. Down Memory Lane
10. The Deep Insight
Pais: Alemania
Estilo: Synthpop, EBM, Future Pop
Calidad: VBR kbps
Peso: 76 MB
Head-Less - Imperfect: [Mensch]
Estilo: Synthpop, EBM, Future Pop
Calidad: VBR kbps
Peso: 76 MB
Head-Less - Imperfect: [Mensch]
Black Stash – Mighty Love Man
Mighty Love Man (Pt.1) 3:44
Mighty Love Man (Pt.2) 3:13
Format:Vinyl, 7"
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
Tonight At The Discotheque 12 Selected By Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
Arthur Prysock – You Can Do It (1977)
Diana Ross & Marvin Gaye - Don't Knock My Love (1974)
Don Downing - Doctor Boogie (1978)
Eddie Kendricks - The Thin Man (1974)
Family Affair - call me (1978)
Gary Byrd – Soul Travelin' (1973)
General Johnson - Can't Nobody Love Me Like You Do (12"inch)(1978)
Hokis Pokis - Swing (1976)
Inner City Express - Shu' Dig Dancin' (1978)
Innervision - Honey Baby (Be Mine) (1974)
Jennifer - Do It For Me (12"inch) (1976)
Jimmy Ruffin - Hold On To My Love (1980)
Jimmy Sabater - To Be With You (12"inch)(1976)
Joy Fleming - The Final Thing (12"inch)(1978)
Kongas - Kongas Fun (1978)
Kool & The Gang - Caribbean Festival (1975)
La Bionda - One For You, One For Me (1978)
Larry Page Orchestra - Erotic Soul (1976)
Little Sister - You're The One (Parts II) (1970)
Maryann Farra & Satin Soul - Never Gonna Leave You (LP version)
Miami Sound Machine - You've Broken My Heart (1978)
Montreal Sound - Music (1977)
Munich Machine - 2001
The Mystic Moods - Honey Trippin' (1976)
Pacific Blue - Argentina Forever (1978)
The Papa John Creach & Midnight Sun - Joyce (Long Version)(1975)
The Peppers - Hot Caramel (1974)
Ralph McDonald - The Path (part 2)
Rinder & Lewis - Lust (1978)
Sheila B. Devotion: Love me Baby / 1977
Showdown - Whats Your Name (1977)
Soul Sensation Orchestra - Won't You Try (1977)
Linda G. Thompson - Ooh What A Night (12" inch) (1975)
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
some tracks are B side or maxi . difficult to find (Discosoul Cargo)
Boom Bye Bye

02. Grindsman - Mate Mad Again
03. Glen Ricks - Been So Long
04. Papa San - Oh My Darling
05. Red Dragon - Ghetto Three Step
06. Terry Ganzie - Rude Boy No Pose (Boom Bye Bye Riddim)
08. Buju Banton - Boom Bye Bye
09. Wayne Wonder - Groove My Mind
10. Jack Radics - What Difference A Day Makes
Mitch Murder - Burning Chrome "2010"
Desde Canada nos llega este Lp que no me deja de resultar curioso de principio a fin. Lo que parece en un principio una apuesta arriesgada, su sonido termina incrustandose en nuestros oidos de forma agradable con delicadeza y sutiliza.
No es facil dar vida a un disco en su totalidad instrumental, que recrea un marco analógico sin igual y digno de ser parte de una banda sonora de pelicula de lo más ochentera. Una apuesta que bien merece la pena si os buscais material algo diferente y poco frecuente.
1 Off World Prelude 1:13
2 The Heat Is On 4:38
3 Midnight Mall 3:37
4 Action Bike 3:10
5 Beach Interlude 2:28
6 Montage 3:52
7 Hollywood Heights 3:08
8 Running Out Of Time 5:10
9 Ravaged Skies 4:30
10 End Theme 4:48
Pais: Canada
Estilo: New Wave, Electro, Synthpop
Calidad: 320 Kpbs
3 Midnight Mall 3:37
4 Action Bike 3:10
5 Beach Interlude 2:28
6 Montage 3:52
7 Hollywood Heights 3:08
8 Running Out Of Time 5:10
9 Ravaged Skies 4:30
10 End Theme 4:48
Pais: Canada
Estilo: New Wave, Electro, Synthpop
Calidad: 320 Kpbs
Peso: 64 Mb
Deliteful – Forget That Girl
A Forget That Girl 2:43
B Forget That Girl (Instrumental) 2:43
Forget That Girl - remix alex Missry aka DJ Misery1 5:21
Remixes produced on Traktor S4 Software
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
Willie Henderson – Dance Master
Dance Master (Part I) (Vocal) 2:57
Dance Master (Part II) (Instrumental) 2:47
Dance Master - remix alex Missry aka DJ Misery1 7:21
Remixes produced on Traktor S4 Software
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
Jack Ashford & The Sound Of New Detroit – Do The Choo-Choo
A Do The Choo-Choo (Part 1) 3:35
B Do The Choo-Choo (Part II) 2:10
Do The Choo-Choo - remix alex Missry aka DJ Misery1 5:02
Remixes produced on Traktor S4 Software
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
Récréation - À chacun son enfance (vocal) 3:12
Récréation - À chacun son enfance (instrumental) 3:03
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Style :Disco
Recreation-Harmony – Childhood Forever 6:07
Format:Vinyl, Vinyl, 12"
Style :Disco
very rare
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
How do we explain the slutwalks?
Slutwalk happened in Melbourne on the weekend. Supposedly 3000 took part, though from the video clips it looked more like a few hundred. The Melbourne rally was much like those overseas, though it was distinct in featuring a transgender person who spoke about having been raped both as a man and as a woman.
Why the slutwalks? I've read a few different theories. Laura Wood believes that many of the women protesting are genuinely fearful of rape but are seeking protection from it in a counterproductive way:
Grerp at The Lost Art of Self-Preservation (for Women) looks on it as an assertion of female sexual empowerment. She argues that it's unreasonable for women to dress to get the maximum sexual attention from men and then object when the predictable reaction can't be controlled as tightly as they want it to be:
Bonald at Throne and Altar is sceptical that the issue is really about rape. He thinks the slutwalks are about legitimising female sexual promiscuity:
I don't think Bonald's point should be discounted. At the Melbourne rally, a lot of the emphasis was on the idea that there was nothing wrong with being a slut. There were placards reading "Stop slut shaming" and speakers made comments such as "reclaiming the word slut is going to disempower it" and "enough of the judgements about our sexualities".
At Camera Lucida, Kidist Paulos Asrat developed my own arguments in an interesting way. I had noted in a post about Ita Buttrose that in the early 1970s in Australia a group of feminist women accepted the idea of autonomy (of being self-defined rather than defined as women), but that they rejected the radical idea of giving up on heterosexual relationships with men. This was the birth of a "sex positive" feminism in Australia.
Kidist Paulos Asrat believes that this leads to a kind of schizophrenia, in which women don't want to reject feminism by appearing too feminine but in which they still feel a natural need to express their female selves:
One major point of evidence for this argument is the tendency for female fashions over the past 40 years to swing back and forth between grunge and the overtly sexual. There hasn't been a consistent fashion trend for women to relax into a feminine dress style which emphasises elegance or beauty.
I'll finish by going back to Bonald's argument that the slutwalks are really about legitimising female promiscuity. Why would feminist women want to do this?
I can think of a number of reasons, but I'd like to focus on two. The first is that women are at a peak of their sexual power in their 20s. Some women might, therefore, resent moral restraints on their sexuality at this time. In particular, they might conceive that they are using their sexuality to "trade up" amongst men as much as they are able.
What these women need to understand is that a sexual free-for-all will ultimately be harmful to them. Their window of sexual power is relatively short-lived. If there are to be no moral restraints, then men, on finding that they have the advantage of sexual power in their 30s and 40s, will be in a position to "trade in" or "double up" when it comes to women.
There is, in other words, a purpose to the traditional restraints on sexuality. They are not there simply as a patriarchal imposition on women.
A second reason "progressive" women might have to advocate promiscuity is that the new, trendy life script is for women to defer marriage and family until their 30s. If family formation is delayed for this long, then people are not likely to be chaste in the meantime. The 20s will be thought of as a time for more casual sexual relationships.
The odd thing about this is that many of the women deferring marriage and family, effectively leaving it last and to the last minute, still see it as an important fulfilment in life, something they don't want to miss out on. And yet they are risking never getting there by leaving it for so long.
It's not just that they are leaving motherhood till the dying moments of their fertility. They are also undermining a culture of family life amongst men. Men face a choice early in life. They can enjoy the company of their mates whilst pursuing erotic sexual encounters with women - and this is not an unappealing lifestyle for many men. Or they can set aside the urge toward promiscuity in favour of the higher goods of a loving and secure relationship with a wife, experiencing love and respect as a husband and father, making an adult contribution to society and their own tradition by raising a family and so on.
But what happens if the higher goods are withdrawn as an option because women want to leave family formation until something close to middle-age? What if women seem to mostly be offering casual relationships, with sex being the main thing on offer? It shouldn't then be surprising if fewer men in society develop into reliable family men. The family man culture will gradually decline.
Why the slutwalks? I've read a few different theories. Laura Wood believes that many of the women protesting are genuinely fearful of rape but are seeking protection from it in a counterproductive way:
what are these women protesting? As I said, they are frightened. There is such a thing as rape, and they cannot process that reality. They have no way of understanding or making sense of it – and so they protest against it, hoping that outrage alone will make it go away. They want a world in which rape does not occur. Such a thing is not possible. However, there is a way to gain some measure of safety. A woman can protect herself against rape not by participating in protests, especially protests defending sluttiness, but by earning the protection of good men. Men protect women against men. The sensible path for a woman in a dangerous world – and the sensible path for women collectively – is to earn the protection of good men. Protection is not a right, but a privilege.
Women earn the protection of good men by dressing modestly, by recognizing the nature of masculinity, and by remaining faithful. Then their safety increases.
Grerp at The Lost Art of Self-Preservation (for Women) looks on it as an assertion of female sexual empowerment. She argues that it's unreasonable for women to dress to get the maximum sexual attention from men and then object when the predictable reaction can't be controlled as tightly as they want it to be:
Women apparently feel that the new frontier of empowerment hinges on their ability to dress like brothel workers and demand others respect them for their bad taste and attention whoring. For this women are marching: to look like the best lay a gold-mining saloon could offer; as in, not obviously diseased.
Uh huh.
Look, let's be honest with ourselves as women. Can we all agree that we don't go out in a pink halter tops and satin hot pants because of the comfort factor? We don't dress that way to impress our girlfriends with our sense of style either. Women dress in miniscule, tight, sexy clothing to get the attention of men. And it is effective. Unfortunately, women can't always control how that attention channels itself. And instead of acknowledging that limitation - that this is a built-in trade-off for guaranteed male attention - they throw a group tantrum, wag a bunch of fingers, and attempt to control the reaction they provoke through chanting, and shaming, and what have you.
Wouldn't it just be easier to wear figure flattering clothing that manages to cover up the essentials? Women looked gorgeous in Edwardian clothing. The success of Mad Men has to hinge in no small part on wardrobe envy - women and men staring at how fantastic people used to look in tailored, buttoned up clothes. Most of the time, with clothes, more is more. Dress decently, and you spare yourself the possibility of trouble.
Bonald at Throne and Altar is sceptical that the issue is really about rape. He thinks the slutwalks are about legitimising female sexual promiscuity:
The rape issue is a red herring. It has nothing to do with the real issue, which is the social legitimation of female promiscuity. These marches are not meant to intimidate potential rapists; they’re meant to intimidate social conservatives. The sluts are only tying together the issues of social disapproval and sexual violence as a rhetorical trick to cast themselves as victims even as they go on the attack...
The sluts are not victims; they are aggressors. Their victim is society itself. Their goal is social approval for female sexual promiscuity. The MRM and “game” advocates (who I have elsewhere criticized) have painted a disturbing but very plausible picture of where widespread female promiscuity will ultimately lead. A few of the most desirable men monopolize women during their young, attractive years. Then after getting old and being discarded by these “alphas” from their harems, women “settle down” and allow themselves to be supported by a “beta provider” husband.
I don't think Bonald's point should be discounted. At the Melbourne rally, a lot of the emphasis was on the idea that there was nothing wrong with being a slut. There were placards reading "Stop slut shaming" and speakers made comments such as "reclaiming the word slut is going to disempower it" and "enough of the judgements about our sexualities".
At Camera Lucida, Kidist Paulos Asrat developed my own arguments in an interesting way. I had noted in a post about Ita Buttrose that in the early 1970s in Australia a group of feminist women accepted the idea of autonomy (of being self-defined rather than defined as women), but that they rejected the radical idea of giving up on heterosexual relationships with men. This was the birth of a "sex positive" feminism in Australia.
Kidist Paulos Asrat believes that this leads to a kind of schizophrenia, in which women don't want to reject feminism by appearing too feminine but in which they still feel a natural need to express their female selves:
I think what is going on is that women secretly yearn for femininity (although I think this is an actual biological reaction and need, rather than an "autonomous desire"). But they cannot succumb to this need for fear of appearing to reject feminism, as Richardson shows above. Imagine the schizophrenic back and forth that must be going on in their minds!
As I wrote above, one way young women can avoid this schizophrenia is by sporadically, and in a limited way, adding feminine touches - such as having children, but avoiding caring for their children, or wearing lipstick, but pursuing high profile, and highly demanding, careers...
One thing I've noticed here is that young women are wearing extremely short skirts, and now in spring, they're donning very short cut-out shorts, often (as though this will help) with dark tights. These skirts are dark, dreary, and ugly. At least the sixties brought color and pizazz with mini-skirt fashion.
My assessment of this depressingly ugly trend (many of the girls are over-weight, so we are forced to look at bulging body parts as well) is that it's that schizophrenic attempt at reconciling femininity with autonomy: I will dress how I want, but I will also look like a girl. It is the "sex positive" (to use Ricahrdson's coinage) compensation of reconciling femininity with autonomy. But all they end up looking is like prostitutes, which is the last thing - consciously, at least - they're after.
One major point of evidence for this argument is the tendency for female fashions over the past 40 years to swing back and forth between grunge and the overtly sexual. There hasn't been a consistent fashion trend for women to relax into a feminine dress style which emphasises elegance or beauty.
I'll finish by going back to Bonald's argument that the slutwalks are really about legitimising female promiscuity. Why would feminist women want to do this?
I can think of a number of reasons, but I'd like to focus on two. The first is that women are at a peak of their sexual power in their 20s. Some women might, therefore, resent moral restraints on their sexuality at this time. In particular, they might conceive that they are using their sexuality to "trade up" amongst men as much as they are able.
What these women need to understand is that a sexual free-for-all will ultimately be harmful to them. Their window of sexual power is relatively short-lived. If there are to be no moral restraints, then men, on finding that they have the advantage of sexual power in their 30s and 40s, will be in a position to "trade in" or "double up" when it comes to women.
There is, in other words, a purpose to the traditional restraints on sexuality. They are not there simply as a patriarchal imposition on women.
A second reason "progressive" women might have to advocate promiscuity is that the new, trendy life script is for women to defer marriage and family until their 30s. If family formation is delayed for this long, then people are not likely to be chaste in the meantime. The 20s will be thought of as a time for more casual sexual relationships.
The odd thing about this is that many of the women deferring marriage and family, effectively leaving it last and to the last minute, still see it as an important fulfilment in life, something they don't want to miss out on. And yet they are risking never getting there by leaving it for so long.
It's not just that they are leaving motherhood till the dying moments of their fertility. They are also undermining a culture of family life amongst men. Men face a choice early in life. They can enjoy the company of their mates whilst pursuing erotic sexual encounters with women - and this is not an unappealing lifestyle for many men. Or they can set aside the urge toward promiscuity in favour of the higher goods of a loving and secure relationship with a wife, experiencing love and respect as a husband and father, making an adult contribution to society and their own tradition by raising a family and so on.
But what happens if the higher goods are withdrawn as an option because women want to leave family formation until something close to middle-age? What if women seem to mostly be offering casual relationships, with sex being the main thing on offer? It shouldn't then be surprising if fewer men in society develop into reliable family men. The family man culture will gradually decline.
Depeche Mode - Remixes 2 81-11 (Promo) "2011"
Para aquellos donde la espera es algo parecido a un suplicio, aqui os dejo algo grandioso para ir abriendo brecha, 30 temas que se incluyen en ese esperado recopilatorio que viene de camino y que estan distribuidos en las distintas ediciones que saldran a la venta.
Aqui podeis encontrar algunos de los nuevos remixes que habeis ido coleccionando dias atras, asi que si os faltaba alguno es otra buena oportunidad de recuperarlo.
No se lo que durará este post así que ya podeis daros prisa por si las moscas, que lo disfruteis.
01-Dream On (Bushwaсka Tough Guy Mix) 06:08
01-Dream On (Bushwaсka Tough Guy Mix) 06:08
02-Suffer Well (M83 Remix) 04:34
03-Fragile Tension (Peter Bjorn and John Remix)03:46
04-Strangelove (Tim Simenon - Mark Saunders Remix) 06:33
05-Peace (SixToes Remix) 05:13
06-Lilian (Chab Vocal Remix Edit) 04:36
07-I Feel You (Helmet At The Hеlm Mix) 06:43
08-Corrupt (Efdemin Remix) 06:29
09-Fly On The Windscreen (Death Mix) 05:07
10-Barrel Of A Gun (United Mix) 06:36
11-Walking In My Shoes (Anandamidiс Mix) 06:11
12-Ghost (Le Weekend Remix) 08:21
13-Slowblow (Darren Price Mix) 06:29
14-Personal Jesus (The Stargate Mix) 03:58
15-World in My Eyes (Dub In My Eyеs) 06:56
16-John The Revelator (UNKLE Reconstruction) 05:02
17-A Pain That I'm Used To (Jaсques Lu Cont Remix)07:51
18-The Darkest Star (Monolake Remix)05:54
19-Puppets (Royksopp Remix)04:40
20-Everything Counts (Oliver Huntemann & Stephan Bodzin Dub)06:52
21-Happiest Girl (The Pulsating Orbital Voсal Mix) 07:58
22-Only When I Lose Myself (Dan The Automator Mix) 04:58
23-Wrong (Trentemoller Club Remix) 06:57
24-Nеver Let Me Down Again (Digitalism Remix) 04:38
25-Higher Lover (Adrenaline Mix) 07:50
26-In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix) 07:17
27- Never Let Me Down Again (Eric Prydz Mix)07:01
28- Puppets (Royksopp Remix) 04:40
29- Sister Of Night (Ida Engberg's Giving Voice To The Flame Remix) 07:36
30-Master And Servant (DJ Alex Remix) 08:16
Pais: UK
03-Fragile Tension (Peter Bjorn and John Remix)03:46
04-Strangelove (Tim Simenon - Mark Saunders Remix) 06:33
05-Peace (SixToes Remix) 05:13
06-Lilian (Chab Vocal Remix Edit) 04:36
07-I Feel You (Helmet At The Hеlm Mix) 06:43
08-Corrupt (Efdemin Remix) 06:29
09-Fly On The Windscreen (Death Mix) 05:07
10-Barrel Of A Gun (United Mix) 06:36
11-Walking In My Shoes (Anandamidiс Mix) 06:11
12-Ghost (Le Weekend Remix) 08:21
13-Slowblow (Darren Price Mix) 06:29
14-Personal Jesus (The Stargate Mix) 03:58
15-World in My Eyes (Dub In My Eyеs) 06:56
16-John The Revelator (UNKLE Reconstruction) 05:02
17-A Pain That I'm Used To (Jaсques Lu Cont Remix)07:51
18-The Darkest Star (Monolake Remix)05:54
19-Puppets (Royksopp Remix)04:40
20-Everything Counts (Oliver Huntemann & Stephan Bodzin Dub)06:52
21-Happiest Girl (The Pulsating Orbital Voсal Mix) 07:58
22-Only When I Lose Myself (Dan The Automator Mix) 04:58
23-Wrong (Trentemoller Club Remix) 06:57
24-Nеver Let Me Down Again (Digitalism Remix) 04:38
25-Higher Lover (Adrenaline Mix) 07:50
26-In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix) 07:17
27- Never Let Me Down Again (Eric Prydz Mix)07:01
28- Puppets (Royksopp Remix) 04:40
29- Sister Of Night (Ida Engberg's Giving Voice To The Flame Remix) 07:36
30-Master And Servant (DJ Alex Remix) 08:16
Pais: UK
Estilo: Synthpop, Electronic
Calidad: 320 Kpbs
Peso: 394 Mb
Becket Brown – One Way Street
A One Way Street (Vocal) 3:15
B One Way Street (Instrumental) 3:10
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Jay Black – Love Is In The Air
Format:Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Promo, Single Sided
Style:Soul, Disco
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
Sylvia – Pussy Cat
Pussy Cat (Vocal) 2:42
Pussy Cat (Instrumental) 2:42
Pussy Cat - remix alex Missry aka DJ Misery1 5:06
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Remixes produced on Traktor S4 Software
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
Oslo police reveal rape statistics
The following video from Norwegian TV doesn't fit into the standard liberal narrative and so will probably receive no publicity here in Australia. The video shows a policewoman revealing the rape statistics for the city of Oslo from 2006 to 2010. 86 women reported being raped; of the 83 attackers who could be identified all were of non-Western appearance.
This means that there is no rape epidemic amongst the Norwegian population, as feminists would claim. In five years, not a single Norwegian or even Western man was reported by a woman as having committed a rape - in a city of 1,500,000. All the talk about having to change men and mainstream masculinity to stop rape is misdirected.
It means too that the standard liberal assumption that it is white Christian men who are violent oppressors of other people does not fit what is happening here. What we have here are non-Western Muslim men who are committing acts of violence against mostly white Norwegian women. Not surprisingly, the wikipedia article on Oslo has a section talking about white flight from Oslo (see 'demographics').
This means that there is no rape epidemic amongst the Norwegian population, as feminists would claim. In five years, not a single Norwegian or even Western man was reported by a woman as having committed a rape - in a city of 1,500,000. All the talk about having to change men and mainstream masculinity to stop rape is misdirected.
It means too that the standard liberal assumption that it is white Christian men who are violent oppressors of other people does not fit what is happening here. What we have here are non-Western Muslim men who are committing acts of violence against mostly white Norwegian women. Not surprisingly, the wikipedia article on Oslo has a section talking about white flight from Oslo (see 'demographics').
Tonight At The Discotheque 11 Selected By alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
Lena Karras - If Ever I Would Leave You (long Version)(1976)
Alexander's Discotime Band – I Remember You (1976)
Barbara Pennington – 24 Hours A Day (1977)
Barrabas - Desperately (1976)
Billy Preston - Outa Space (1972)
Bimbo Jet - Love Is What We Need (long Version)(1976)
The Brecker Brothers - Don't Stop The Music (1977)
Camouflage - Take A Ride (1977)
Creative Source - Migration (1974)
D.C. LaRue - Ca-The-Drals (1976)
De Blanc – Oh No, Not My Baby (1975) ultra rare
Diana Washington - The Rock ()
Donny & Marie Osmond - On The Shelf ( )
El Chicano – Cha Chita (1973)
Patti Jo - Make Me Believe In You (1973)
Gene Farrow - Move Your Body (1977)
Lamont Dozier - Fish Ain't Bitin' (1973)
Lemon - Freak On (1978)
The Main Ingredient - Rolling Down A Mountainside (1975)
MFSB - Family Affair (1974)
Milt Matthews - All These Changes (1974)
Paul Jabara - Dance (1976)
Wings - Goodnight Tonight (1979)
The Reflections - Three Steps From True Love (1975)
Vernon Burch - Changes (1975)
Yambu - Sunny (1975)
Whirlwind - Full Time Thing (1976)
sondra simon and simon said-mama can you meet the 6,15 (long version)
The Chi-Lites - I Forgot To Say I Love You Till I'm Gone (1974)
Five Easy Pieces - Too Hot To Stop (12") (1976)
Record(Disk) of the collection /Alex Missry
And One - Wasted Demoversión "2000"
Bueno lo que tenemos aqui bien lo podriamos considerar como una de esas reliquias para coleccionistas de los alemanes "And One", esto realmente no es un disco ni mucho menos oficial, más bien podriamos decir que se trata del Lp de "Wasted" en su estado más puro de prueba, es decir canciones aun sin depurar y en muchas de las pistas con arreglos distintos al resultado final.
Este disco circulaba de forma interna cuando "And One" trabajaba para la todo poderosa "Virgin".
Puede que a estas alturas este disco no despierte una gran espectación pero de seguro que para muchos seguidores será algo más que curioso de escuchar y sobre todo de volver a recordar.
Mil gracias a Toni por compartir con nosotros esta reliquia...
01 - You Dont Love Me Anymore
02 - Wasted
03 - Dont Need The Drugs
04 - Goodbye Germany
05 - Life To Lose
06 - Forever J.
07 - Not The Only One
08 - My Story
09 - Virgin Superstar
10 - Instrumental
11 - Mr Jenka
Pais: Alemania
Estilo: Synthpop
Calidad: 128 Kpbs
Peso: 39 Mb
4 The Hard Way

01. African - War & Crime (Far East)
02. African - Weh Me No See
03. African - Width & Length
04. African - Pick Out Tail
05. Daddy Rings - How Yu Body Look So
06. Daddy Rings - Young Gifted & Black (Punaany)
07. Daddy Rings - Politician (Shank I Sheck)
08. Daddy Rings - Mad Mad World (Sleng Teng)
09. Dandymite - Mass Murdering (Mad Mad)
10. Dandymite - Informer Fi Dead (Darker Shade Of Black)
11. Dandymite - Gun A Buss Ya So (Answer)
12. Dandymite - Yu A Move Above The Crowd
13. Determine - Never Did A Listen (Soap)
14. Determine - Grave Yard (Carnival-Gangster)
15. Determine - Mash Down Satan Business
16. Determine - Still A Survive (Darker Shade Of Black)
NEWS... Depeche Mode - In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix) VS Behind The Wheel (Vince Clarke Remix) "2011"
Pues si, os traigo algo muy deseado por todos, la esperada colaboración de dos grandes y ex de la banda británica, los señores VINCE CLARK y SIR ALAN WILDER... y como no podia ser menos sus esperados remixes para el nuevo trabajo del ahora trio británico de Basildon. Resaltar que cada cual tiene su espectacularidad, anque me inclino algo más por el soberbio remix del señor Alan, un tema que empieza de la nada y acaba siendo algo espectacular se mire por donde se mire.
Del remix del señor Clarke poco que decir, muy en su linea constructiva y fantastica, dandole ese toque especial a sus sonidos, lo que nos hace remontar en un pasaje pasado y posiblemente añorado por muchos.
En fin no estoy aqui para juzgar, aqui os dejo estas piezas para que las disfruteis y que duren mucho entre nosotros.
Alan Wilder - In Chains REMIX
Vince Clark- Behind the Wheel RMX
1. In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix)
2. Behind The Wheel (Vince Clark Remix)
In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix) VS Behind The Wheel (Vince Clarke Remix)
Vince Clark- Behind the Wheel RMX
1. In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix)
2. Behind The Wheel (Vince Clark Remix)
In Chains (Alan Wilder Remix) VS Behind The Wheel (Vince Clarke Remix)
Stone Love Dancehall Vol. 3

01-Bobby Crystal - Take A Bow.mp3
02-Kevin Jackson(Sanchez) - Feel So Good.mp3
03-Leonard Bartley - Dorothy.mp3
04-Frankie Paul - Raggamuffin.mp3
05-Winsome Burrel - Lately.mp3
06-Tony Curtis - For You Love.mp3
07-Merciless & Mikey Spice - So Many Strangers.mp3
08-Bobby Crystal - I Apologize.mp3
09-Frankie Paul - Skettle.mp3
10-Simpleton - Home Alone.mp3
11-Baby Wayne - Mama.mp3
12-Bobby Crystal - Don't Want To Knowl.mp3
13-President Brown - Devil Game.mp3
14-Gringo - Gal Selina.mp3
15-Version - Gal Selina.mp3
Ultravox - Moments From Eden (EP) "2011"
Lo esperabamos como agua en Mayo... Ultravox vuelven a la carga con un más que apetitoso EP y anticipo de lo que será su próximo disco de estudio y sin fecha por confirmar. En este mini Lp nos encontramos con cuatro pistas extraidas del último Tour "Return to Eden tour". También próximamente podremos contar con la versión en vinilo y de seguro alguna sorpresa más.
1. New Europeans 5:03
2. Herr X 7:09
3. White China 4:01
4. Love's Great Adventure 4:44
2. Herr X 7:09
3. White China 4:01
4. Love's Great Adventure 4:44
Pais: UK
Estilo: Synthpop
Calidad: 320 Kpbs
Peso: 45 Mb
Estilo: Synthpop
Calidad: 320 Kpbs
Peso: 45 Mb
Micron Presents Superstars Vol. 1
01. Pad Anthony - Give Me The Love
02. Micron All Stars - Dub
03. Major Worries - Talk Till She Hoarse
04. Leroy Sibbles & Stamma Ranking - Moddeling Queen
05. Stamma Ranking - Some Girls Can't Get No Man
06. Micron All Stars - Dub
07. Leroy Sibbles & Stamma Ranking - Come Touch Me
08. Micron All Stars - Extras
09. Micron All Stars - Extras
Bobo General - Respect
01. Bobo General - Sexy
02. Bobo General - Don't Drink And Drive
03. Bobo General - I Don't Want To Wait ft. Trevor Sparks
04. Bobo General - Robber Man
05. Bobo General - Make Up Your Mind ft. Trevor Sparks
06. Bobo General - Your Girl Don't Worry
07. Bobo General - Respect
08. Bobo General - Don Bubbla
Tempo Explosion
01. Sugar Minott - Devil Is At Large
02. Chris Wayne - Don't Worry Yourself
03. Willie Williams - Solid Rock I Stand
04. Ras Melinik Dacosta - Free South Africa
05. Jerry Johnson - Tribute To Prince Knight
06. Black Roots Players - Temp Dub
07. Black Roots Players - Slow Tempo
08. Black Roots Players - Up Tempo
Vaylon - The Lights Were Out On The Dancefloor "2011"
Ultimamente los daneses parece que le han cogido ganas a este 2011, tras publicar ya un EP y otro single ahora regresan a la brecha electrónica con este EP y con unos remixes que suenan de lujo. Synthpop con sello personal.
01.Waves Unfold (Warzaw Ghetto Mix)
02.The Lights Were Out (On The Dancefloor Mix)
03.The Lights Were Out (Whiskey Seven Mix)
04.Waves Unfold (Wishoff 12 Inch Mix)
05.The Lights Were Out (Lubricator Mix)
02.The Lights Were Out (On The Dancefloor Mix)
03.The Lights Were Out (Whiskey Seven Mix)
04.Waves Unfold (Wishoff 12 Inch Mix)
05.The Lights Were Out (Lubricator Mix)
Pais: Dinamarca
Estilo: Electronic
Calidad: 320kbps
Peso: 70 Mb
Estilo: Electronic
Calidad: 320kbps
Peso: 70 Mb
Countering moral liberalism
In a recent post I distinguished loosely between a political liberalism and a moral liberalism. I wrote of moral liberalism that it,
One commenter, Jesse, made what I thought was a good effort to develop further the idea of the "moral charge" that such middle-class whites get from this kind of liberalism. He began:
That seems plausible. An ideal of goodness that was once supplied by Christianity was no longer accepted by the philosophers. But the moral systems they erected in its place, such as utilitarianism, did not satisfy the moral idealism of many Westerners.
Moral liberals believe they are rising above themselves to combat sin in the pursuit of high-minded moral ideals and personal distinction. This is the "moral charge" that appeals to a certain kind of middle-class white.
Jesse has had a go here at answering the question of how we counter a liberalism which has a quasi-religious appeal for some white people. I think it's a good insight that right-liberals will never effectively challenge a left-wing moral liberalism if they only talk about the pursuit of individual freedom. Even though left-liberalism is also ultimately based on a concept of equal freedom, moral liberals need to feel as if something more than their own individual freedom is at stake - they need to feel as if there is a struggle between good and evil in which they are unselfishly subsuming themselves.
He's right too, I believe, that we need to give our own politics a moral charge, rather than just criticising the errors of left and right liberals. The question is how best to do this. Some possibilities are:
appeals to middle-class whites with only a passing interest in politics or intellectual matters. It has an emotional or even quasi-religious appeal for these people. Its strongest devotees seem to be middle-aged, middle-class white women.
The basic message of moral liberalism is that good liberal whites are bringing about justice and equality for oppressed groups by taking on and defeating the privilege and ignorance of bad, right-wing whites.
One commenter, Jesse, made what I thought was a good effort to develop further the idea of the "moral charge" that such middle-class whites get from this kind of liberalism. He began:
Moral liberalism works because people by nature are desperate for morality. When Christianity was delegitimised and utilitarian and scientific thinking began to dominate, the majority of people began to look desperately for a new form of morality, to escape from the idea of the world as a barren, cold and uncaring place, populated by people only motivated by their own self interest.
That seems plausible. An ideal of goodness that was once supplied by Christianity was no longer accepted by the philosophers. But the moral systems they erected in its place, such as utilitarianism, did not satisfy the moral idealism of many Westerners.
The essence of moral liberalism is white or pseudo white, middle class and above, people, acting in self-effacing, as well as morally superior ways. It's also associated with utopian aims and involves acting in manners that are obviously contrary to our instincts and natures. By being self effacing we recognise the existence of sin, the combating of which is the essence of morality, and we also dedicate ourselves to something better. By embracing utopianism we show ourselves worthy in striving for a better world. By acting in ways that are contrary to our instincts and natures we show that we're led by our ideas and reason rather than by passions. These ideas appeal to both our vanities and senses of superiority. It also appeals to our desire for moral urgency and submission to higher ideals.
Moral liberals believe they are rising above themselves to combat sin in the pursuit of high-minded moral ideals and personal distinction. This is the "moral charge" that appeals to a certain kind of middle-class white.
Moral liberalism as a manifestation of morality can be combated through morality. If you can demonstrate your moral value, or at least be confident with it, then you can go a long way towards fighting the left. These days I go to Church frequently and in doing so, by being constantly surrounded by the discussion and concern of moral issues and concerns, it allows me to deal better with the moral promotion of the left without submitting to anger or a subtle sense of guilt.
If we seriously discuss and feel comfortable with morality on the right side of politics then we can break the left's monopoly over it, and if we can engage with and discuss the moral underpinnings of conservatism and traditionalism, and not just criticise the left, then we will go a long way towards combating the left
If, on the other hand, we’re simply critical of all manifestations of morality, as many right liberals have done, and embrace the promotion of individual freedoms as the highest good, then we will lose the public.
Jesse has had a go here at answering the question of how we counter a liberalism which has a quasi-religious appeal for some white people. I think it's a good insight that right-liberals will never effectively challenge a left-wing moral liberalism if they only talk about the pursuit of individual freedom. Even though left-liberalism is also ultimately based on a concept of equal freedom, moral liberals need to feel as if something more than their own individual freedom is at stake - they need to feel as if there is a struggle between good and evil in which they are unselfishly subsuming themselves.
He's right too, I believe, that we need to give our own politics a moral charge, rather than just criticising the errors of left and right liberals. The question is how best to do this. Some possibilities are:
- "recharging" the concept of the family man and the family woman.
- reasserting/praising traditional ideals of moral virtue
- linking personal distinction to character or real world achievements rather than to holding politically correct beliefs
- reasserting the virtue of loyalty/fidelity
- reasserting the virtue of prudence
- discussing ideals of masculinity and femininity or praising these qualities in particular men and women
- reasserting family and nation as worthy ends of our moral endeavours/duties
- encouraging the sense that we owe a duty to past generations and the traditions they created - that we have an important duty to discharge in upholding a legacy left to us by our own forebears, one that gives a deeper meaning to our efforts to raise families, to protect and improve the environment, to defend or to raise the level of culture and so on.
When the left discriminates what is it called?
Weedie Sisson and Anne Halpern want to discriminate against men to boost the position of women in business. But being liberals they are against discrimination. Their solution to this dilemma is as follows:
They rename quotas and women-only shortlists as "positive action" as a way of avoiding the term positive discrimination. They don't want to think of themselves as discriminating, when that is exactly what they are doing by imposing quotas and shortlists.
The article itself is fairly stock standard. But I was interested that so many of the Guardian's readers argued against the idea of forcing equal numbers in business (the first eleven comments were unsupportive of the quotas idea). Maybe feminism really is faltering at ground level.
The first of the pro-feminist comments was also interesting:
This is evidence of how seriously a political world view is taken by some people. The commenter, "Shalone," is willing to sacrifice the family if it's thought to represent an advance in equality and human dignity.
That's why it's so important for a society to think through such morally charged concepts like equality and human dignity carefully. If they are wrongly defined, then they will be applied in destructive ways, as they are by Shalone.
We agree that quotas, women-only shortlists and any other positive action (not to be confused with positive discrimination) will work in helping to counteract past discrimination and break unhelpful stereotyping. What are government and the business community afraid of?
They rename quotas and women-only shortlists as "positive action" as a way of avoiding the term positive discrimination. They don't want to think of themselves as discriminating, when that is exactly what they are doing by imposing quotas and shortlists.
The article itself is fairly stock standard. But I was interested that so many of the Guardian's readers argued against the idea of forcing equal numbers in business (the first eleven comments were unsupportive of the quotas idea). Maybe feminism really is faltering at ground level.
The first of the pro-feminist comments was also interesting:
Blaming emancipation for women to family break ups is so absurd that you can compare it with those who believe that the end of apartheid has brought more crime in South Africa. If family does break up because women want to be treated like equal human beings, then I say to hell with familiy harmony, where women are just like kettle. Human dignity is more important than anything else in this world.
This is evidence of how seriously a political world view is taken by some people. The commenter, "Shalone," is willing to sacrifice the family if it's thought to represent an advance in equality and human dignity.
That's why it's so important for a society to think through such morally charged concepts like equality and human dignity carefully. If they are wrongly defined, then they will be applied in destructive ways, as they are by Shalone.
Lindsey Wixson: Yee-haw
"Spaghetti Western" (Select images)
Vogue Nippon // June 2011
Ph. Terry Richardson // Stylist: George Cortina
Vogue Nippon // June 2011
Ph. Terry Richardson // Stylist: George Cortina
Terry and Lindsey's latest collaboration is quite a literal take on a classic cinema style. Photographed in Rome, Lindsey is the young explorer of diverse locales who eventually lands in the haven of cuisine - isn't that the story of every good vacation? Literal, yes, but also tongue-in-cheek (Or spaghetti-in-mouth, whatever).
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