Jay Black – One Night Affair
One Night Affair 6:55
Format:Vinyl 12"
Style:Disco cool
Same track on both sides.
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
thanks alex ,thirty years I was looking for this disc
A dismal view of relationships
Here's something good and something bad about The Spearhead, one of the men's rights sites. On the positive side, the administrators of the site do allow a wide range of views to be published, including from more conservative men. But, despite this, there is increasingly a single view being expressed in the comments, one that is not just against modern marriage, but marriage in general and in favour of either casual relationships or none at all.
That seems to me to be too pessimistic a view, one which doesn't even allow the possibility that some men might marry happily and have children and raise another generation of Westerners.
And, what's worse, some of the feminist women who visit the site have an even more pessimistic view of relationships than the men. One comment from "Amanda" is one of the most dismal I have ever come across:
That seems to me to be too pessimistic a view, one which doesn't even allow the possibility that some men might marry happily and have children and raise another generation of Westerners.
And, what's worse, some of the feminist women who visit the site have an even more pessimistic view of relationships than the men. One comment from "Amanda" is one of the most dismal I have ever come across:
It’s a shame, at first I thought this site would be about men also wanting equality, about the sexism shown men. Now I can see it’s a bunch of sexist angry men abusing women.
As a woman, yes I am ashamed to be one most of the time, but equally I also admit, men, if women are being honest, are not what women want……but have been socially conditioned to drop their standards to get with them anyway. If women were being honest, there would be a majority of celibate single women out there and very few in relationships. Probably equally so, men would say the same if the truth were actually being told. We make each other miserable right now as we are in a time of change.
[Men are not what women want? Women are not what men want? That's way too pessimistic a view. It's certainly not true for men. It's natural for young men to be crazy about girls - and to think of the desirability and the beauty of women as one of the great experiences in life.]
I can put it simply what will make it easier...take away your preconceptions about men and women. Stop trying to control women with labels, a feminist is not angry, or bitter and nor is she necessarily a man hater. My best friends are all but 2 men. Do I like them from a relationship perspective? No and I am honest about that, no what men offer, I don’t want (other than I find them physically attractive and great friends to have). Do I like how men try and control me...no, not at all. DO I like how men sexualise women? No I really don’t. Do I like how men almost treat women like children who don’t know anything, no I don’t as I am smarter than most men and earn more than most thank you. Do I like how as a woman I am expected to be a certain way and perform certain duties? No I don’t. You get the point...you have to admit, you guys do love to make a woman feel like a freak for speaking out and being honest about how she feels, what she thinks or what she really wants. You do love to silence by using labels like angry, bitter, issues and psycho.
[Amanda doesn't want what men offer. Again, a dismal view. Already, we get the idea that Amanda doesn't like traditional gender roles and because of this has been alienated from normal human relationships. Her ideology is getting in the way of a loving relationship with a man.]
I get you guys, yes I would love even as a woman to come home to a gorgeous man, who looked after my kids, was kind and loving and made me nice food and made sure my home was all cozy and lovely. Wouldn’t anyone? It just isn’t fair that you guys are the only ones who get that, so cut us so called feminist some slack, we want that too….it isn’t just you who has a right to the beautiful stay home parent and home maker dream……we just have our dream with a gorgeous manly man (no we dont want weak feeble men and I hate that you make out stay home dads and guys who also want equality are in some way pansys or weak guys dominated by bossy women).
[Amanda misunderstands the male commenters at The Spearhead. They have rejected the traditional ideal of having a loving wife at home. They consider that entrapment or oppression of the male. Again, note that Amanda's rejection of traditional gender roles means that she has been pushed a long, long way away from a normal relationship. She is asking men to transform themselves into feminine homemakers, but without losing their masculinity. That's her asking price for a relationship, one which is obviously likely to keep her single.]
I agree though on this topic, women are dropping their standards and they shouldn’t. I have been celibate for three and a half years now as I want what I offer, I want an equal and I will not get with a guy who thinks it’s in any way womens work to stay home and raise the kids and he would have to believe it’s equally a males role. I would not accept gender roles in that respect………hence I accept I will likely be single forever and I am fine with that, as I have an awesome life and lack nothing. Not saying it wouldn’t be nice to have a gorgeous guy who I adored, but I fear, just as the guy who wrote this article does, that wanting it too much will make you settle as a woman. Don’t forget the rubbish we have been sold since we were born, dependence on men, their approval, we are nothing without a man in our life. I don’t believe that obviously, I like being single and its only going to be my best mate who makes my heart melt and my knees go weak am I ever going to change that for, a guy I genuinely like and respect who doesn’t have any sexist ideas about his or my gender.
[She knows that she is likely to be single forever because she rejects the idea of feminine or masculine roles in relationships despite retaining a heterosexual preference for masculine men. She has boxed herself into a corner. She wants a man who makes her go weak at the knees but he is not to assert masculine preferences as that would be "sexism". Good luck with that Amanda.]
I am a feminist I guess, but I prefer to have a new term, one that just wants to get rid of labels based on gender and is open for men and women to have equality, as equality is not just a womans to chase...as this article points out , there is much sexism toward men (see the court system tacking kids away from men as the woman gets awarded based on her gender, men expected to provide still by many sexist womens attitudes where the guy may want to stay home) . I am as aggressive, competitive and strong as any guy, I dress very feminine, not even a hint of butch before anyone suggests it, I wear make up, have long hair and all that typical stuff of the very feminine woman. However, thats where it stops for me and I won’t fit into a ‘womans role’ and I find it the most unattractive thing to see guys fitting into typical ‘mens roles’ just to conform with their fellow males.
[The unprincipled exception. She thinks that our sex shouldn't matter and yet she still presents herself in a feminine way. Perhaps gender identity matters to her more than she's willing to admit. Or perhaps she knows that heterosexuality really does require an expression of the feminine in women. But her compromise is not a consistent one. She's going to dress feminine but act masculine. Maybe she's internalised an idea that feminine behaviour is inferior to masculine behaviour. If so, that's a great pity. Nor do I think that too many self-confident men are going to accept a deal in which a woman dresses like a woman but acts like a man.]
Instead of fighting against each other and fighting against feminists, we should ditch the terminology and join together, for absolute equality….to ditch all of the social conditioned rubbish forced on both genders and accept (and reject) each other based on there not being a good fit if thats not the case.
Isn’t it better both genders be just who they are and admit they don’t fit from a relationship perspctive?
[They don't fit, Amanda, because you believe that the masculine role is the privileged one and so you want both sexes to follow a masculine path. So there can no longer be complementary relationships between men and women.]
To the calls of look at nature arguers. I tell you the following, females sleep with males only when they want to get pregnant, they sleep with many males at that time, all of the best genetic males only, then they leave. Most males die virgins as only the best genetic make ups ever get laid. Many males get killed by females for trying to mate. You get the point, the nature argument of animals cannot be used to control women back into the kitchen.
[This girl needs a good lie down on a sunny Queensland beach. What a dark and dismal view. As it happens, there is a lot of variation in the animal kingdom when it comes to sex selection. But pair bonding is not that uncommon. And it's even more common for mothers to be the primary caregivers of the young.]
I am a firm believer, when you look at all the couples you know, that in half the cases, the man has more nurturing, kind, warm traits which are better suited to the parental role in a family. However, stupid ideas about it being a womans role mean there are many miserable depressed males going out there slogging his guts out hating his job when really he is the nurturer had he not been socially conditioned otherwise. Then you have many competitive, protective, assertive, strong women who are miserable doing her gender role as stay home parent and home maker when really she would have been an excellent CEO/Engineer etc.
[She gives the game away when she claims that half of men are better suited to the "parental" role in a family. Note that she only recognises one "parental" role rather than distinct maternal and paternal ones. And note that she specifies exactly half of men being better suited to the "parental" role - this is not an accident, it's necessary if she wants to decouple gender from family roles. It's ideology run riot.]
I fight for both sides, I want nothing but to get rid of gender roles and assumptions about both genders. We are PEOPLE, nothing but people, not gender roles and the sooner we all realise this the better and happier we will all become.
[As I've said many times, the aim of a liberal society is to make gender not matter. But look at what it means for relationships. You end up with women like Amanda who have been made wholly unfit for marriage and who preach an extraordinarily dismal theory of how men and women should interact.]
More on green Anglicans
In my last post I reported that the Anglican Church in Australia, for green reasons, is calling for fewer babies and for less business related immigration.
I've only just remembered writing a similar post back in 2006 about the Episcopalian Church in the US (the American equivalent to the Anglicans). The Episcopalians commissioned a report to find out why they had lost 829,000 members between 1967 and 2002. The main finding was that the educated whites who made up the core of the Episcopalian Church had a low fertility rate of only 1.5.
So did the Episcopalians conclude that they should encourage family formation amongst their congregation? No, not at all:
So environmentalism is being used here too to justify declining numbers and significance. It's as if the church leaders are saying, well we're not going to be a very significant church in the future, but that just shows how superior we are in our morals since we're demonstrating green credentials.
That seems hopeless to me. There are literally millions of illegal immigrants arriving in the US, fueling massive population growth. The environment is not being protected. So Episcopalians not having children is not serving any purpose at all. It's just hastening the process by which one population (of educated whites) is being replaced by other populations.
I've only just remembered writing a similar post back in 2006 about the Episcopalian Church in the US (the American equivalent to the Anglicans). The Episcopalians commissioned a report to find out why they had lost 829,000 members between 1967 and 2002. The main finding was that the educated whites who made up the core of the Episcopalian Church had a low fertility rate of only 1.5.
So did the Episcopalians conclude that they should encourage family formation amongst their congregation? No, not at all:
Q. How many members of the Episcopal Church are there in this country?
About 2.2 million. It used to be larger percentagewise, but Episcopalians tend to be better educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children.
Q. Episcopalians aren't interested in replenishing their ranks by having children?
No. It's probably the opposite. We encourage people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not use more than their portion.
So environmentalism is being used here too to justify declining numbers and significance. It's as if the church leaders are saying, well we're not going to be a very significant church in the future, but that just shows how superior we are in our morals since we're demonstrating green credentials.
That seems hopeless to me. There are literally millions of illegal immigrants arriving in the US, fueling massive population growth. The environment is not being protected. So Episcopalians not having children is not serving any purpose at all. It's just hastening the process by which one population (of educated whites) is being replaced by other populations.
Tom Savarese Mixes - Original Disco Mixes
Disc 1:
Since I’ve Been Gone - Webster Lewis
Loving You, Losing You - Phyllis Hyman
You Stepped Into My Life - Melba Moore
Glad I Gotcha Baby - Beverly & Duane
Got To Be Real - Cheryl Lynn
We Fell In Love While Dancing - Bill Brandon
Sweet Magic - Le Pamplemousse
Sweet, Sweet City Rhythm/Summer In The City - Fantasia ft.Peggy Santiglia
Keepin’ My Head Above Water - Ted Taylor
Can’t Nobody Love Me Like You Do - General Johnson
I Still Reach Out - Lenny Williams
Get Down - Gene Chandler
True Love Is My Destiny - James Wells
Cream (Always Rises To The Top) - Bionic Boogie
Disc 2:
Ain’t That Enough For You - John Davis & The Monster Orchestra
New York City Dream - Black Diamond
The More I Get, The More I Want - Lorraine Johnson
Chase (Theme from Midnight Express) - Giorgio Moroder
Tower Of Love - Romance
This Is The House Where Love Died - Pattie Brooks
At Midnight - T-Connection
Love and Desire - Arpeggio
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) - Sylvester
Hazy Shades of Love - Amant
Love In C Minor - Cerrone
Turn On Lady - the Detroit Emeralds
This Will Be A Night To Remember - Eddie Holman
Je Suis Music - Cerrone
Dance (Disco Heat) - Sylvester
Disc 3:
Chains - Bionic Boogie
Dancin' - Grey & Hanks
Hold Your Horses - First Choice
If There’s Love - Amant
I’m A Man - Macho
I Feel Love - Donna Summer
Doin’ the Best That I Can - Betty Lavette
Souvenirs - Voyage
Countdown / This Is It - Dan Hartman
I Can Tell - Chanson
It's the Magic of Your Touch - Evelyn Thomas
Disc 4:
Keep On Givin’ Me Love - Romance
I Wanna Make It On My Own - Evelyn Thomas
I Haven’t Stopped Dancing - Gonzalez
Make That Feeling Come Again - Beautiful Bend
A Little Lovin’ (Keeps the Doctor Away) - The Raes
I Love the Night Life (Disco ‘Round) - Alicia Bridges
Bring On The Love - Gloria Jones
You Fooled Me - Grey & Hanks
Turn Me Up - Keith Barrow
Fly Me On The Wings Of Love - Celi Bee
Do It Any Way You Wanna - People’s Choice
Start Dancin’ - Vivian Reed
I Don’t Wanna Lose Your Love - the Emotions
Deception - The Dynamic Superiors
Is There A Place For Me - Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes
We Go Through Changes - the Emotions
Happiness Is Just Around the Bend - the Main Ingredient
Disc 5:
Contact - Edwin Starr
Sinner Man - Sarah Dash
Keep On Givin’ Me Love - Romance
Rhythm of Life - Afro Cuban Band
Boogie Fund - Solar Flare
Baise Moi - Pam Todd
“Dance, Dance, Dance” - ???
Afrodesia - El Coco
You Are, You Are - Linda Clifford
Your Sweetness Is My Weakness - Barry White
Make Me Believe In You - Patti Jo
It Seems To Hang On - Ashford & Simpson
Here Comes the Sun - Nina Simone
The CD's are copied right from the original Reel to Reel tapes and sounds is great.
In these live mix 5 CD set you will find many classics and rare grooves.
mixed by the legendary NYC DJ Tom Savarese
Tonight At The Discotheque 4. special 45' selected Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
The Chicago Gangsters – Gangster Love (1976)
Peter Popper's Soundkapelle · Brasilia Carnaval (1976)
Robert Upchurch - The Devil Made Me Do It (1974)
Gladys Knight & The Pips - Make Yours A Happy Home (1976)
The Incredible Bongo Band – Let There Be Drums (1973)
Dooley Silverspoon - Bump Me Baby (1975)
Hot Ice - Dancing Free (1976)
Detroit Emeralds - Feel The Need In Me (1971)
Carol Williams - Rattlesnake (1976)
Chocolate Syrup - you got alot to give
Gloria Spencer - I Got It (1972)
Double Exposure - I Got The Hots For Ya (1979)
Constellation Orchestra - Perfect Love Affair (1978)
The Jackson 5 - Forever Came Today (1975)
Garnet Mims & Truckin' Company - What It Is (1977)
Jackie Robinson - Movin' Like A Superstar (1976)
Bobby Marchan - Bump Your Booty (1974)
David Christie - Don't Stop Me, I Like It (1978)
The Jimmy Castor Bunch - E-Man Boogie (1974)
Deadly Nightmare - Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Banzai* - Rythm'Kung Fu (1974)
Black Blood - A.I.È (1975)
Abaco Dream – Life And Death In G & A (1969)
Billy Paul - People Power (1975)
Bettye LaVette – Doin' The Best That I Can (1978)
B.B. King - Friends (1969)
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very nice selection , thanks alex
Peter Popper's Soundkapelle · Brasilia Carnaval (1976)
Robert Upchurch - The Devil Made Me Do It (1974)
Gladys Knight & The Pips - Make Yours A Happy Home (1976)
The Incredible Bongo Band – Let There Be Drums (1973)
Dooley Silverspoon - Bump Me Baby (1975)
Hot Ice - Dancing Free (1976)
Detroit Emeralds - Feel The Need In Me (1971)
Carol Williams - Rattlesnake (1976)
Chocolate Syrup - you got alot to give
Gloria Spencer - I Got It (1972)
Double Exposure - I Got The Hots For Ya (1979)
Constellation Orchestra - Perfect Love Affair (1978)
The Jackson 5 - Forever Came Today (1975)
Garnet Mims & Truckin' Company - What It Is (1977)
Jackie Robinson - Movin' Like A Superstar (1976)
Bobby Marchan - Bump Your Booty (1974)
David Christie - Don't Stop Me, I Like It (1978)
The Jimmy Castor Bunch - E-Man Boogie (1974)
Deadly Nightmare - Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Banzai* - Rythm'Kung Fu (1974)
Black Blood - A.I.È (1975)
Abaco Dream – Life And Death In G & A (1969)
Billy Paul - People Power (1975)
Bettye LaVette – Doin' The Best That I Can (1978)
B.B. King - Friends (1969)
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very nice selection , thanks alex
Winey Winey Party

Winey Winey:
A reggae dancehall party in the hart of Brussels, Belgium. From coolest rub-a-dub to heaviest digital dancehall. Entrance is free, drinks at democratic prices...
So all digital fans from around Brussels, note the 30th of april in your agendas!
See you there
Endless Shame - Generation Blind "2011"
Esperado lanzamiento, 12 remezclas de lo más electrificantes, que bien merecian la espera. Tras su éxitoso primer single, ahora disfrutamos de este fabuloso disco de una forma diferente, a caballo entre el Synthpop y el EBM más blandito. Muy recomendable.
1 Painkiller
2 Halo
3 Broken Dolls
4 Purgatory
5 As If There’s Angels
6 Erase The Beautiful
7 Trial Of Fire
8 Sister Of Mercy
9 The Reaper
10 Love Letter To Anxiety
11 The Reaper (Enigmatic Version)
12 Slave (Simplified Version)
2 Halo
3 Broken Dolls
4 Purgatory
5 As If There’s Angels
6 Erase The Beautiful
7 Trial Of Fire
8 Sister Of Mercy
9 The Reaper
10 Love Letter To Anxiety
11 The Reaper (Enigmatic Version)
12 Slave (Simplified Version)
Pais: Suecia
Estilo: EBM, Synthpop
Calidad: VBR
Peso: 70MB
Estilo: EBM, Synthpop
Calidad: VBR
Peso: 70MB
Various – Super Sound 1 (bootleg mix)
Super Sound 1 (12:45)
A1 Narada Michael Walden – I Want You
A2 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
A3 Earth, Wind & Fire – Boogie Wonderland
A4 Dynasty – Do Me Wright
A5 Joe Thomas – Platos Retreat
A7 Eumir Deodato – Night Cruiser
A8 Bruce Johnston – Pipeline
A9 Kurtis Blow – The Breaks
A10 Diana Ross – Upside Down
A11 Diana Ross – Coming Out
A12 Chic – Rebels Are We
A13 Lakeside – Fantastic Voyage
A14 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
A15 Narada Michael Walden – I Want You
Super Sound 1 (10:05)
B1 Narada Michael Walden – I Want You
B2 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
B3 Earth, Wind & Fire – September
B4 'Lectric Funk – Shanghaied
B5 Kurtis Blow – The Breaks
B6 The Police – Voices Inside My Head
B7 Narada Michael Walden – I Want You
B8 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
B9 Stacy Lattisaw – Dynamite
B10 Max 'N Specs – Don't Come Stoned
B11 Stacy Lattisaw – Dynamite
B12 Delegation – Put A Little Love On Me
B13 Ray Parker Jr. & Raydio – It's Time To Party Now
B14 People Choice – We Ought To Be Dancing
B15 J.R. Funk & The Love Machine – Feel Good, Party Time
B16 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
B17 'Lectric Funk – Shanghaied
B18 George Benson – Give Me The Night
B19 Earth, Wind & Fire – And Love Goes On
B20 Narada Michael Walden – I Want You
Label:Not On Label
Format:Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mixed, Unofficial Release
Style:Soul, Funk, Disco
Two sides with 2 different disco medleys specially mixed.
Produced in FIRENZE (ITALY)
The best site bootleg mix http://www.discopatrick.com/home/
Various – Super Sound 2 (bootleg mix)
Super Sound 2 (16:33)
A1 Kleeer – The Kleeer Thing
A2 Sister Sledge – We're All American Girls
A3 Sister Sledge – If You Really Want Me
A4 The Reddings – Doin' It
A5 Empress – Dying To Be Dancing
A6 Mel Sheppard – Can I Take You Home
A7 George McCrae – Don't You Feel My Love
A8 Bombers – Get Dancin'
A9 Silver Platinum – Dance
A10 Starpoint – Keep On It
A11 Starpoint – I Just Want To Be Your Lover
A12 Silver Platinum – Funky Part
A13 Kano – It's A War
A14 'Lectric Funk – Shangaied
A15 Mel Sheppard – Can I Take You Home
A16 Jimmy "Bo" Horne – Is It In
A17 Vin Zee – Funky Bebop
A18 Brothers Johnson – Let's Swing
A19 Brothers Johnson – Power
A20 Mel Sheppard – Can I Take You Home
A21 Frankie Smith – Double Dutch Bus
A22 Donna Summer – Walk Away
A23 Fantasy – You're Too Late
A24 Glory – Can You Guess What Groove This It
A25 Vin Zee – Funky Bebop
Super Sound 2 (16:34)
B1 Kleeer – The Kleeer Thing
B2 Unknown Artist – Untitled
B3 Brothers Johnson – Let's Swing
B4 Vin Zee – Funky Bebop
B5 Jimmy Ross – First True Love Affair
B6 K.I.D. – Don't Stop
B7 Unknown Artist – Untitled
B8 Delegation – I Want You Back
B9 Delegation – In The Night
B10 Delegation – Feels So Good
B11 Instant Funk – Everybody
B12 The 202 Machine – Get Up
B13 Unknown Artist – Untitled
B14 Skyy – Here's To You
B15 K.I.D. – Let's Do It Again
B16 Jimmy Ross – First True Love Affair
Label:Not On Label
Catalog#:GR 3302
Format:Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mixed, Unofficial Release
Style:Soul, Funk, Disco
very good bootleg mix
The best site bootleg mix http://www.discopatrick.com/home/
Fajardo – C'mon Baby, Do The Latin Hustle / Ahi Na' Ma'
A C'mon Baby, Do The Latin Hustle 3:16
B Ahi Na' Ma' 3:46
Style: Disco ,Soul,Latin
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very good ,for me
Sir Tommy's 1990's All Stars Vol.3

01- Sunny Richards - Is it me
02- Tony Tuff - You're all i need
03- Jah Wayne - No money love
04- Princess - Heart breaker(feat Sisster Wingy)
05- Anthony Selassie - Ribbon in the sky
06- Chris Wayne - You will know
07- Steve Clark - Anywhere you are
08- Django Niceness - You turn me on
09- Joy Ranking - Both of us(feat Tailey Ranking)
10- Firehouse Crew - Version
Zynic - Fire Walk With Me "2011"
En la anterior etapa del blog ya os presenté su gran disco, ahora le llega el turno a su edición limitada, igual de estupenda y con unos extras más que decentes. 4 temas bonus de lujo con lo mejor de la élite del synthpop, asi que más que recomendable.
1. Rescue Me 4:15
2. Dreams In Black And White 4:11
3. Shadow Framed Memories 3:24
4. My Personal Kryptonite 4:34
5. Mourning Light 5:04
6. Soul For Sale 4:02
7. Who's To Blame 5:11
8. Any Second Now 4:50
9. Almost Silence 4:03
10. Absurd Lovesong 4:30
11. Rescue Me (Iris Remix) 4:55
12. Dreams In Black And White (Assemblage 23 Remix) 5:36
13. Shadow Framed Memories (People Theatre's Broken Mix) 5:11
14. My Personal Kryptonite (Parralox Remix) 5:46
Pais: Alemania
Estilo: Synthpop, Electropop
Calidad: VBR
Peso: 127 MB
Estilo: Synthpop, Electropop
Calidad: VBR
Peso: 127 MB
Friday Roundup.
CD Baby | MySpace | iTunes
CD Baby | iTunes
Tonight at The Discotheque 3 , special 45' - Selected By Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
ORS - Moon-Boots 3:43 (1977)
Titanic – Sultana 4:14 (1970)
O.C. Smith - La La Peace Song 3:31 (1973)
The Sunshine Band - Shotgun Shuffle 2:49 (1975)
Street People - Never Get Enough Of Your Love 3:26 (1975)
The Rimshots - Do What You Feel 3:46 (1975)
LaBelle – What Can I Do For You? 3:09 (1974)
The Incredible Bongo Band - Bongolia 2:14 (1972)
Chee-Chee And Peppy - I Know I'm In Love 2:58 (1971)
The Soul Searchers - Blow Your Whistle 3:02 (1974)
The Glitter Band - Angel Face 3:18 (1974)
The Whispers - One For The Money 3:10 (1976)
Instant Funk - Philly Jump 3:25 (1976)
Seven Seas - Super Jaws 3:00 (1975)
Miami - The Party Freaks 3:00 (1974)
Carl Graves - Heart Be Still 3:29 (1975)
Crown Heights Affair - Dancin' 3:47 (1976)
The Realistics - How Can I Forget 3:17 (1973)
Brooklyn People - Peace And Love 3:40 (1975)
Donny Beaumont - Look But Don't Touch 2:49 (1975)
Pacific Blue - You Gotta Dance 3:41 (1978)
Ron Butler And The Ramblers - Peace And Love 2:51 (1975)
Sumeria - Cosmic Traveller 2:57 (1977)
Barbara Acklin - I'll Bake Me A Man 3:06 (1973)
Black Soul - Black Soul Music 3:02 (1976)
Al Martino - Volare 2:55 (1975)
Anacostia - All I Need 2:42 (1975)
Biddu Orchestra - Chic-Chica-Chic-Chica-Chic 2:57 (1976)
Black Magic - Hey Boy, Come And Get It 3:13 (1975)
Anthony White - Hey Baby 2:57 (1975)
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very nice selection , thanks alex
Titanic – Sultana 4:14 (1970)
O.C. Smith - La La Peace Song 3:31 (1973)
The Sunshine Band - Shotgun Shuffle 2:49 (1975)
Street People - Never Get Enough Of Your Love 3:26 (1975)
The Rimshots - Do What You Feel 3:46 (1975)
LaBelle – What Can I Do For You? 3:09 (1974)
The Incredible Bongo Band - Bongolia 2:14 (1972)
Chee-Chee And Peppy - I Know I'm In Love 2:58 (1971)
The Soul Searchers - Blow Your Whistle 3:02 (1974)
The Glitter Band - Angel Face 3:18 (1974)
The Whispers - One For The Money 3:10 (1976)
Instant Funk - Philly Jump 3:25 (1976)
Seven Seas - Super Jaws 3:00 (1975)
Miami - The Party Freaks 3:00 (1974)
Carl Graves - Heart Be Still 3:29 (1975)
Crown Heights Affair - Dancin' 3:47 (1976)
The Realistics - How Can I Forget 3:17 (1973)
Brooklyn People - Peace And Love 3:40 (1975)
Donny Beaumont - Look But Don't Touch 2:49 (1975)
Pacific Blue - You Gotta Dance 3:41 (1978)
Ron Butler And The Ramblers - Peace And Love 2:51 (1975)
Sumeria - Cosmic Traveller 2:57 (1977)
Barbara Acklin - I'll Bake Me A Man 3:06 (1973)
Black Soul - Black Soul Music 3:02 (1976)
Al Martino - Volare 2:55 (1975)
Anacostia - All I Need 2:42 (1975)
Biddu Orchestra - Chic-Chica-Chic-Chica-Chic 2:57 (1976)
Black Magic - Hey Boy, Come And Get It 3:13 (1975)
Anthony White - Hey Baby 2:57 (1975)
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very nice selection , thanks alex
Alma Faye Brooks - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy
Alma Faye Brooks - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy (12")
Alma Faye Brooks - Stop, I Don't Need No Sympathy (7")
Format:Vinyl, 7" and 12"
Record(Disk) of the collection/Alex Missry aka DJ Misery1
very good , thanks alex
Largus Omnia - Fragments Of Science "2010"
Hace poco os presentaba el proyecto de Vaylon, un gran disco Synthpop sin duda, y ahora le toca el turno a uno de los proyectos en solitario de uno de sus miembros "Dan Beck´s". Como peculiaridad señalar que el disco es en su totalidad instrumental pero aun asi goza de un gran interes, produción electrónica con buen gusto y la mar de entretenida.
1.Alive (Not You)
2.Behind Orion
3.Shades Of Secrets
4.The Catwalk
5.The Funeral
6.Shadow Behind You (Voiceless)
7.Sounds Of Angels
8.The Suffocating Snow
9.Waves Of Sorrow
2.Behind Orion
3.Shades Of Secrets
4.The Catwalk
5.The Funeral
6.Shadow Behind You (Voiceless)
7.Sounds Of Angels
8.The Suffocating Snow
9.Waves Of Sorrow
Pais: Dinamarca
Estilo: Electrónica Instrumental
Calidad: 320 kbps
Peso: 98 Mb
Estilo: Electrónica Instrumental
Calidad: 320 kbps
Peso: 98 Mb
Anglicans call for fewer babies
The Anglican Church in Australia has taken a green turn, with mixed results:
The problem with this, as many have pointed out already in the mainstream media, is that Australia already has a below replacement fertility level. It's not people having too many babies that is the current issue, but the blow out in migration levels:
If the fertility rate were to fall even further, it would just give the business lobby more ammunition to call for higher rates of immigration.
On the positive side, at least the Anglican Church is one major institution opposing open borders:
Last year a General Synod of the Anglican Church called on the government to:
A LEADING church body wants the baby bonus scrapped to curb rampant population growth.
The Anglican Church's key advisory group also wants migration cut.
The problem with this, as many have pointed out already in the mainstream media, is that Australia already has a below replacement fertility level. It's not people having too many babies that is the current issue, but the blow out in migration levels:
Liberal frontbencher Bruce Billson said he was surprised by the Anglicans' proposal.
"I would have thought that at a time when we're not even replacing Australians that are passing away by newborn Australians, that attacking the baby bonus is probably the last thing you would do," Mr Billson told Sky News.
If the fertility rate were to fall even further, it would just give the business lobby more ammunition to call for higher rates of immigration.
On the positive side, at least the Anglican Church is one major institution opposing open borders:
It also said the overall migrant intake should be cut while being more generous to refugees.
"The question must be asked whether our current and projected population growth is fair to future generations of Australians and to other life in the environments our descendants will have to inhabit," it said.
"The growing congestion of cities, destined to become worse, means much time lost in commuting, more polluted suburbs, denser housing and the loss for many of suburban gardens in which to relax and still have some communion with nature."
Last year a General Synod of the Anglican Church called on the government to:
avoid any reliance on continuing population growth to maintain economic growth.

1. Josey Wales & Malvo - Sensi
2. Anthony Red Rose - Ganja Man3. Tony Curtis - Knockin DaBoots
4. Baby Wayne - Master Mouth Peice5. Spanner Banner - I Wake Up And Cry
6. Junior Delgardo - Wonder7. Slick - You Belong To Me
8. Glamma Murphy - Play Hard Fi Get9. Conroy Smith - Vengence
10. Delly Ranks - Flip And Flop11 Terry Linen - Rainbow Neva Touch Ground
Flashback Of A Genius (bootleg mix)
A1 Santa Esmeralda – C'est Magnifique (Intro)
A2 Lime – Your Love
A3 Trax – Crusader
A4 Rockets - Galactica
A5 Robert Palmer – Looking For Clues
A6 Montreal Sound – Music
A7 Raffaella Carra - 5353456
A8 La Flavour – Mandolay
A9 Esther Phillips – What A Difference A Day Made
A10 Kelly Marie – Feels Like I'm In Love
A11 mungo jerry - Feels Like I'm In Love
A12 The Trammps – Shout
A13 James Brown – Untitled
A14 The Trammps – Shout
A15 The Salsoul Orchestra – Magic Bird Of Fire
A16 Easy Going – Fear
A17 Lime – Your Love
Country:US ??? I don't think
Both sides same Disco Medley.
News... Depeche Mode - Puppets (Röyksopp Remix) "2011"
Poco a poco nos encontramos con nuevas versiones de este esperado nuevo trabajo de Depeche Mode, en esta ocasión una versión más que peculiar de Puppets!!!
Various – 15 Min. Of Frenzy : Bootleg mix
15 Min. Of Frenzy
A.1 Cheryl Lynn – Shake It Up Tonight
A.2 Woods Empire – Sweet Delight
A.3 Rick James – Give It To Me Baby
A.4 Denroy Morgan – I'll Do Anything For You
A.5 The Brooklyn, Bronx & Queens Band – On The Beat
A.6 Sister Sledge – All American Girls
A.7 Unknown Artist – Untitled
A.8 Gino Soccio – Try It Out
A.9 The Quick – Zulu
A.10 Change – Paradise
A.11 Change – Hold Tight
A.12 L.A.X. – All My Love
A.13 Billy Ocean – Stay The Night
A.14 Karen Silver – Set Me Free
A.15 Kelly Marie – Feels Like I'm In Love
A.16 Unknown Artist – Untitled
A.17 Fleetwood Mac – Dreams
A.18 Electric Light Orchestra – Untitled
A.19 Woods Empire – Sweet Delight
A.20 Empress – Dyin' To Be Dancin'
A.21 Suzy Q – Get On Up
A.22 France Joli – Feel Like Dancing
A.23 France Joli – Gonna Get Over You
A.24 The Blackbyrds – Rock Creek Park
A.25 Barbara Roy – If You Want Me
A.26 Firefly – Love (Is Gonna Be On Your Side)
A.27 Weeks & Co. – Rock Your World
A.28 Rick James – Give It To Me Baby
A.29 Dynasty – I've Just Begun To Love You
A.30 The Brooklyn, Bronx & Queens Band – On The Beat
A.31 Azoto – San Salvador
A.32 Boys Town Gang – Ain't No Mountain High Enough Suite
A.33 Unknown Artist – Untitled
A.34 Kano – It's A War
A.35 Carol Jiani – Untitled
A.36 Heart – Crazy On You
A.37 Barrabas – Woman
A.38 Viola Wills – If You Could Read My Mind
A.39 Viola Wills – Up On The Roof
A.40 Azoto – Exalt - Exalt
A.41 Gloria Gaynor – Reach Out I´ll Be There
A.42 Jeff Wayne – The Eve Of The War [Final]
Format:Vinyl, 12", 33 ⅓ RPM, Mixed, Unofficial Release
sorry side B ,defect
CD of the Day, 4/27/11: Supraluxe-The Super Sounds of Supraluxe
Things always get a little sentimental at Absolute Powerpop when Supraluxe is concerned, since they were the first band reviewed on the site and had an impact on the the creation of the site as well, all of which is well-chronicled here if you want to check out the archives. More pertinent to you the reader is the fact they've released their third disc, The Super Sounds of Supraluxe. While their first album was a pop masterpiece, they made their AOR move with the followup, Wake Leave Home Sleep, which had its moments but didn't sound very much like the debut. The message here for those who loved the first album is "come on in, the water's fine" as Super Sounds marks a return to the Elliott Smith meets Brendan Benson sound we've known them for.
Things start off strongly with the gentle "Every Little Piece", which namechecks Fleetwood Mac and has a feel of solo Lindsay Buckingham, and the catchy mid-tempo rocker "Setting Sun". But they really hit their stride with "Lester Bangs", not quite a paean to the legendary rock critic but a celebration of the love of playing music that hews to his spirit. The song may be a bit meta, but it's a gem and captures that "Supraluxe sound" we all came to appreciate on the debut.
There are plenty of other quality tracks here as well: "Go Nowhere" has a loose-limbed vaguely-country vibe that makes it sound like came off Wilco's Summerteeth; "Sunday's Not So Bad", a leftover from the sessions for the debut, has that E.Smith feel, and "New York City's Not Alright" finds them in rock-noir mode. And not to be overlooked are the 70s SoCal-sound homage "Back to the Land" and the strange but lovely "Nail Biter" which runs with its title metaphor and some spry synths. All in all, a welcome return to form for this Minneapolis band and a must for those who fell for the debut.
CD Baby | Bandcamp | iTunes | eMusic
Alice Street Gang – Baia / Brasilian Hustle (45')
A Baia 3:59
B Brasilian Hustle 4:12
Format:Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM
Baia :sample - A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick)
very rare
Ninja Turtle vol. 2(penthouse)

01 - Marcia griffiths - mellow mood.mp3
02 - Derrick Parker - Everytime I Close My Eyes.mp3
03 - Sugar Black - The Way You Are.mp3
04 - Spanner Banner - Come Into My Life.mp3
05 - Sophia fisher - loving arms.mp3
06 - Sanchez - cherish.mp3
07 - Roland Thriller - If You Want Me To.mp3
08 - Pinchers - please stand by me.mp3
09 - Presley - Dance Floor.mp3
10 - Pliers - Give It A Chance.mp3
info :HORSE MEAT DISCO III - Release date: 4th July 2011
CD 1
10. FIRST CLASS – LET NO MAN PUT ASUNDER (Ron Hardy ‘Baby, Baby, Baby Aw Shucks’ Edit)
12. TOM TRAGO – SHUTTERS (Extended 12” mix)
14. RAPHAEL CAMERON – TOGETHER (Stupid Human Edit)
CD 2
6. MARCEL KING – REACH FOR LOVE (Mark Kamins remix)
Label: Strut
Catalogue No: STRUT081CD/LP
Format: 2xCD / 2xLP / digital
Release date: 4th July 2011
Acclaimed London DJ collective HORSE MEAT DISCO return in June with the third instalment in their essential compilation series bringing together rare disco, ‘80s boogie, electro, fresh edits and all-new dancefloor dsicoveries. Mixed by resident DJs James Hillard, Jim Stanton, Severino and Filthy Luka, this new edition packs in 28 incendiary tracks for guaranteed dancefloor heaven.
CD 1 brings the peak time selection and features a spread of Salsoul classics re-worked by some of the current masters of the re-edit including Todd Terje and Stupid Human, alongside Ron Hardy’s famed and previously bootleg-only cut-up of First Choice’s ‘Let No Man Put Asunder’. UK producer Andy Williams aka Yam Who? cuts a brand new version of Sha-Lor’s house classic ‘I’m In Love’ and also features as bandleader of Fuzz Against Junk on the Harvey remix of their Talking Heads cover ‘Born Under Punches’ from the ‘90s heyday of Nuphonic Records. New productions feature from the stables of Smalltown Supersound, Rush Hour and more.
CD 2 takes us to the early hours with a hazy mid-tempo sleaze mix, echoing the spirit of infamous New York havens like The Saint. Tracks include the Factory Records classic ‘Reach For Me’ by the late Marcel King and the rare ‘Lovemaker’ by Wham (no relation to the George Michael group), re-issued here for the first time. ‘80s grooves from Miquel Brown from the peak days of ‘80s hi-energy and T.S. Monk’s boogie classic ‘Candidate For Love’ rub shoulders with hand-picked mid-tempo beauties from Sylvester and original Weather Girls incarnation, Two Tons Of Fun.
Now into their seventh year, Horse Meat Disco have continued to lead the way with packed residencies at their HQ at The Eagle in London’s Vauxhall, Lux in Lisbon and Tape in Berlin. Inspired by the music and inclusive ethos of New York’s club scene during the ‘70s and ‘80s, the collective have garnered a unique reputation for amazing parties and unmatchable sets, the quartet of DJs each mixing their own quality blend of disco juice. During 2011, as well as playing their annual UK festival dates at Glastonbury and Lovebox, they will be spreading the love to some of the world’s leading festivals including Vivid in Sydney, Electric Elephant, Bestival and San Francisco’s Pride.
Horse Meat Disco III is mixed by the Horse Meat Disco residents with mix bundle and all unmixed tracks available to download. Also available as unmixed 2LP set. The package features a selection of photos taken at Horse Meat’s events worldwide and exclusive sleeve notes by New York DJ and journalist Daniel Wang.
13th May - Razzmatazz, Barcelona
13th May - Attic, Dusseldorf
14th May - Social Club, Paris
14th May - Tape, Berlin
27th May - Lux, Lisbon
28th May - Stereo, Glasgow
3rd June - Audio, Brighton
5th June - Vivid Festival, Sydney
11th June - Tape, Berlin
11th June - Libertine Supersport, Brussels
12th June - Parklife Festival, Manchester
17th June - Lux, Lisbon
25th - 26th June - Pride, San Francisco
24th - 26th June - Glastonbury Festival, Glastonbury
1st July - Venue TBC, Cologne
3rd July - Source Festival, Utrecht
8th July - Attic, Dusseldorf
9th July - Tape, Berlin
15th July - Electric Elephant, Petrcane
17th July - Lovebox Festival, London
30th July - The Pines, Fire Island, New York
31st July - Mister Sunday, New York
13th August - Tape, Berlin
13th August - Le Prive, Avignon
20th August - Elli's Disco, Munich
10th September - Tape, Berlin
11th September - Bestival, Isle of Wight
For more information please contact stephka@elninodiablo.co.uk
CD 1
10. FIRST CLASS – LET NO MAN PUT ASUNDER (Ron Hardy ‘Baby, Baby, Baby Aw Shucks’ Edit)
12. TOM TRAGO – SHUTTERS (Extended 12” mix)
14. RAPHAEL CAMERON – TOGETHER (Stupid Human Edit)
CD 2
6. MARCEL KING – REACH FOR LOVE (Mark Kamins remix)
Label: Strut
Catalogue No: STRUT081CD/LP
Format: 2xCD / 2xLP / digital
Release date: 4th July 2011
Acclaimed London DJ collective HORSE MEAT DISCO return in June with the third instalment in their essential compilation series bringing together rare disco, ‘80s boogie, electro, fresh edits and all-new dancefloor dsicoveries. Mixed by resident DJs James Hillard, Jim Stanton, Severino and Filthy Luka, this new edition packs in 28 incendiary tracks for guaranteed dancefloor heaven.
CD 1 brings the peak time selection and features a spread of Salsoul classics re-worked by some of the current masters of the re-edit including Todd Terje and Stupid Human, alongside Ron Hardy’s famed and previously bootleg-only cut-up of First Choice’s ‘Let No Man Put Asunder’. UK producer Andy Williams aka Yam Who? cuts a brand new version of Sha-Lor’s house classic ‘I’m In Love’ and also features as bandleader of Fuzz Against Junk on the Harvey remix of their Talking Heads cover ‘Born Under Punches’ from the ‘90s heyday of Nuphonic Records. New productions feature from the stables of Smalltown Supersound, Rush Hour and more.
CD 2 takes us to the early hours with a hazy mid-tempo sleaze mix, echoing the spirit of infamous New York havens like The Saint. Tracks include the Factory Records classic ‘Reach For Me’ by the late Marcel King and the rare ‘Lovemaker’ by Wham (no relation to the George Michael group), re-issued here for the first time. ‘80s grooves from Miquel Brown from the peak days of ‘80s hi-energy and T.S. Monk’s boogie classic ‘Candidate For Love’ rub shoulders with hand-picked mid-tempo beauties from Sylvester and original Weather Girls incarnation, Two Tons Of Fun.
Now into their seventh year, Horse Meat Disco have continued to lead the way with packed residencies at their HQ at The Eagle in London’s Vauxhall, Lux in Lisbon and Tape in Berlin. Inspired by the music and inclusive ethos of New York’s club scene during the ‘70s and ‘80s, the collective have garnered a unique reputation for amazing parties and unmatchable sets, the quartet of DJs each mixing their own quality blend of disco juice. During 2011, as well as playing their annual UK festival dates at Glastonbury and Lovebox, they will be spreading the love to some of the world’s leading festivals including Vivid in Sydney, Electric Elephant, Bestival and San Francisco’s Pride.
Horse Meat Disco III is mixed by the Horse Meat Disco residents with mix bundle and all unmixed tracks available to download. Also available as unmixed 2LP set. The package features a selection of photos taken at Horse Meat’s events worldwide and exclusive sleeve notes by New York DJ and journalist Daniel Wang.
13th May - Razzmatazz, Barcelona
13th May - Attic, Dusseldorf
14th May - Social Club, Paris
14th May - Tape, Berlin
27th May - Lux, Lisbon
28th May - Stereo, Glasgow
3rd June - Audio, Brighton
5th June - Vivid Festival, Sydney
11th June - Tape, Berlin
11th June - Libertine Supersport, Brussels
12th June - Parklife Festival, Manchester
17th June - Lux, Lisbon
25th - 26th June - Pride, San Francisco
24th - 26th June - Glastonbury Festival, Glastonbury
1st July - Venue TBC, Cologne
3rd July - Source Festival, Utrecht
8th July - Attic, Dusseldorf
9th July - Tape, Berlin
15th July - Electric Elephant, Petrcane
17th July - Lovebox Festival, London
30th July - The Pines, Fire Island, New York
31st July - Mister Sunday, New York
13th August - Tape, Berlin
13th August - Le Prive, Avignon
20th August - Elli's Disco, Munich
10th September - Tape, Berlin
11th September - Bestival, Isle of Wight
For more information please contact stephka@elninodiablo.co.uk
Ram Dance Master

01. Little John - Lemon Fi Dem
02. Charlie Chaplin - Nice And Slow
03. Keith Sterling And The Turbos - Super Mix
04. Phillip Fraser - Slip Away
05. Carl Meeks - Ramdance Master
06. Frankie Paul - One Wheely Wheely
07. The Positive - Give Me Your Loving
08. Frankie Jones - Sound Get Drop
09. Ugliman - History
10. Michael Marsh - Tennament Yard
VA : Selected By Discosoul Cargo - all aboard
BT Express - Express
Dance Reaction - Disco Train (12")
Donnie Vann - Disco Train (7")
Donny Osmond - Disco Train '76 (LP)
Hollywood Disco Jazz Band - Soul Train Theme (12'')
Jerry Rix - Disco Train (12")
Ritz - locomotion (LP)
Rose Royce - R.R. Express (12")
Soul Train Gang - Soul Train 75 Rare Promotional (maxi)
The Gap Band - Party Train (12")
The O'jays - Love train 12''(extended version)
The Wispers - Up On Soul Train (LP)
Holding Firm

1. Anthony B, Sizzla, Determine, Louie Culture, And Derrick Lara - Gwan Chant
2. Beres Hammond - Bad News
3. ARP - Do you wanna Ride
4. Natch - Jungle Out There
5. Anthony Malvo - Never Will I
6. Iyashanti - Think Dem Nice
7. Sizzla - Holding Firm
8. Everton Blender - Coming Harder
9. Anthony B - Save Me
10. Garnett Silk - Love
11. Michael Rose - Blood Up
12. Josey Wales - Wi No Fool
13. Anthony B - Money Worries
14. Jack Radics - He's Holy
15. Twitch - Man ah Live
16. Tamlins - Aint Got No Home
VA- Soul Cargo Volume 6
1) BOSSA BABY - Googie Rene
2) CAESAR'S PALACE - Watts 103rd st. R. Band
4) AIN'T THAT A GROOVE - Billy Larkin
6) SPREADIN' HONEY - The Soul Runners
7) RIDE YOUR PONEY - Lee Dorsey
8) MOSCOW TWIST - Lionel Torrence
10) BESAME MUCHO - Johnny Hartsman
12) NO KIND OF MAN - Jackie Harris
14) CHOCOLATE - Mickey and The Soul Generation
15) BAD FOR EACH OTHER - Carl Carlton
16) BUMPIN ON SUNSET - Brian Auger
17) ROAMIN HEART - The Chell-Mars
18) INCOME TAX EVASION - Jesse James Singer
19) OPERATOR - Lee Andrews
20) SIDEMAN - Lonnie Smith
Style:Soul Oldies
Nórdika - Antídoto "2011"
Hacia mucho tiempo, más de un año que no sabiamos mucho del duo mexicano de Nórdika, una de las bandas Synthpop que más me entusiasman en los último años junto con también sus compatriotas Zedna.
Sin duda su tecnopop elegante y actual hacen que sean uno de los exponentes más importantes en la actualidad en la electrónica electropop de América Latina, por supuesto con permiso de los reyes hoy por hoy MOENIA.
Aun así tengo que decir que este primer single me dejó algo descafeinado, un nuevo cambio? bueno pronto lo sabremos, esperamos con impaciencia su nuevo trabajo, como siempre felicidades chicos.
1 - Antídoto
2 - Quiero Darte
Pais: México
Estilo: SynthPop, Pop Electronico
Calidad: VBR 320 kbps
Peso: 20.2 Mb
Estilo: SynthPop, Pop Electronico
Calidad: VBR 320 kbps
Peso: 20.2 Mb
Naomi Campbell: One and Only
Vogue Nippon // June 2011
Ph. Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin // Stylist: George Cortina
Ph. Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin // Stylist: George Cortina
Is there anyone who can rock a cover like Naomi can? The combination of her pose and the unbelievable Gucci dress is an instant attention-getter on every newsstand, making the whole issue worthy of purchase for the cover alone. Every once in a while, she breathes much-needed "Life Force" back to the whole industry, and this photo is no doubt one of those moments.
Bushman - Nyah Man Chant

Thanks Jahknight
01. Bushman - Nyah Man Chant
02. Bushman - Remember The Days
03. Bushman - Cannabis
04. Bushman - Man A Lion
05. Bushman - Grow Your Natty
06. Bushman - She's Gone
07. Bushman - Poor People Power
08. Bushman - Rude Boy Life
09. Bushman - Call The Hearse
10. Bushman - My Day
11. Bushman - Ain't No Sunshine
12. Bushman - Anything For Your Love
13. Bushman - Black Starliner
20th Century Sound Wars
01. Johnny P - Dynamite
02. Bunny General - Weh Dem A Do
03. Tony Tuff - My Sound Is The Best
04. King Everald - Winner
05. Nardo Ranks - Bad In A Sound Clash
06. Japanese - Get Out A Town
07. Commander Shad - My Sound Get Ignorant
08. Steve Knight - Don't Test We
09. Tinga Steward - There Goes My Sound
10. Daddy Blue - Dem Dead
Guns Galore

01. Mikey White - Free South Africa
02. Super C - Old Pan A Knock
03. Tonto Irie - Pretty Clothes
04. Verdie Green - Pick Pocket
05. Princess Goldie - Who's That Girl
06. Gyasi - Dub MIX A
07. Tonto Irie - Steady Body
08. John Mouse - Another Sound Die
09. Karl Ranks - Shaving Cream
10. Karl Ranks & Sonia Alleyne - If You Knew
11. Commander Shad - Skull In A Belly
12. Gyasi - Dub MIX B
Mardi Gras - Total Discography
1 Everyday I Have To Cry Some 2:50
2 Come Along 3:15
3 Letter Of Recommendation 3:30
4 I Just Can't Help Myself But Believing 5:20
5 Too Busy Thinking 'Bout My Baby 4:15
6 Hold Me 3:50
7 The Days 3:45
8 I Was Born Again 3:45
9 Girl I've Got News For You 3:02
10 give me a little sign
11 paris sunshine
13 if i can't have you
Laurent & Mardi Gras - Sing Sing Barbara (french version)
Laurent & Mardi Gras - Sing Sing Barbara (italian version)
very good oldies
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